2022 Chinese Language Teachers Association Annual Conference

All presentations are based on US Eastern Daylight Time
(World clock)
Zoom meeting info will be available on April 6. We will email you with login credentials on or before April 3.

2022-04-08 Friday

12:00pm - 6:00pm    2022-04-08 Friday

Room 1 Exhibition  Session: 22-1   Apr. 08 (Fri) 12:00pm–6:00pm

Virtual Exhibition Tables
Exhibition Table and their presentation schedule, please visit: https://www.clta-us.org/clta-annual-conference/2022-clta-annual-conference-sponsors/,

6:00pm - 6:55pm    2022-04-08 Friday

Room 1 Workshop 1  Session: 3-1   Apr. 08 (Fri) 6:00pm–6:55pm

New Technology and Chinese Teaching: Creative Assessments and Assignments
In this workshop, we will re-think how we are assessing our students and explore options to diversify students' assessments and assignments. The hands-on part will include the following topics: 1) Asynchronous Oral Exams using Flipgrid or Google Form; 2) In-video Quizzing 3) Adobe Page and Adobe Video
叶为兵, University of Notre Dame
杨君 (主持人), University of Chicago

7:00pm - 7:55pm    2022-04-08 Friday

Room 1 Workshop 2  Session: 4-1   Apr. 08 (Fri) 7:00pm–7:55pm

Jing Wang, Princeton University
Zhiqiang Li, University of San Franscisco

8:00pm - 10:00pm    2022-04-08 Friday

Room 0 Plenary talk  Session: 5-0   Apr. 08 (Fri) 8:00pm–10:00pm

冯胜利, 北京语言大学/香港中文大学
“翻转课堂”(Flipped Classroom)是指重新调整课堂内外的时间与活动的教学模式。它将学习新知识的部分转移至课前完成。在课前,学生可以通过观看视频讲座、听播客、阅读电子书或在网络上与别的同学进行线上讨论等方式掌握课程的基本内容。教师不再占用课堂的宝贵时间来讲授信息,而主要围绕学生提前预习完成的新知识进行讨论,并在此基础上加以提升,与学生共同研究、解决实践问题,从而让学生获得更深次的理解。在课后,学生可以以利于自己记忆的形式对所学的内容进行概括与总结。在这种教学模式下,学习的决定权从教师转移给学生,这便于学生自主、灵活地规划学习计划、节奏、风格和呈现知识的方式。教师则负责引导、协助学生,从而促成学生的个性化学习。翻转课堂的最终目标是让学生通过实践获得更真实的学习。 信息技术与互联网技术的发展,为翻转课堂教学模式提供了较为广泛的应用空间,该教学模式如何运用于国际汉语教学过程等问题愈发引起汉学界的重视与关注。越南汉语教学历史悠久,教学经验相当丰富,教学模式也较为灵活,虽然在基础设施、网络汉语资源等方面存在一定的局限,但“翻转课堂”的教学模式仍然被运用到一些汉语言文化知识课程中,并取得了一定的教学效果。本研究以河内国家大学下属外国语大学中国语言文化系现代汉语和跨文化交际等课程为例,在全面分析越南汉语专业教学现状基础上,从学生背景与课程、翻转课堂教学模式选择、教师对学生课前的学习要求与引导、课内的学习与讨论活动、课后学生作业以及教学效果等维度展开分析,进而深入研究越南汉语教学翻转课堂教学的实施、教学有效性及翻转课堂的可持续性等问题,旨在为信息化时代提升对越汉语教学效果、提高汉语学习者的汉语综合运用能力、创新第二语言教学的新模式、新思路、新方法提供参考与借鉴。
阮黄英, 亚太地区国际汉语教学学会会长、河内国家大学
周小珊 Xiaoshan Dantille, 欧洲汉语教学协会常务理事、Université d'Artois

2022-04-09 Saturday

10:00am - 10:55am    2022-04-09 Saturday

Room 1 Panel  Session: 6-1   Apr. 09 (Sat) 10:00am–10:55am

Flagship Professional Development: The Path to Advanced Chinese Proficiency
The session reports on a workshop funded by The Language Flagship that helps develop advanced-level Chinese proficiency. Adopting a backward design approach, the workshop shows teachers ways to identify the desired learning outcome and best practices for teaching and learning, and offers hands-on experience for participants to develop and share instructional units for advanced Chinese. The final part reflects on how students responded to the material developed by workshop participants.
Jianhua Bai, Kenyon College
Jianling Liao, Arizona State University
Yea-Fen Chen, Indiana University Bloomington
Madeline Spring, University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa

Room 2 Panel  Session: 6-2   Apr. 09 (Sat) 10:00am–10:55am

Panel Title: When DEI Meets Pop Culture in the CFL Curriculum
Pop culture artifacts often directly or indirectly address DEI (Diversity, Equity & Inclusion) issues. This panel will discuss how to use pop culture artifacts to integrate DEI issues into the CFL curriculum to help enhance students’ cross-linguistic and cross-cultural analysis skills. The presenters will share classroom observations and practices from their experiences and discuss how to select pop culture artifacts and incorporate them and their related DEI issues into the CFL curriculum.
Sue-Mei Wu, Carnegie Mellon University
Yiching Christine Liu, Dickinson College
Miaochun Wei, The George Washington University
Lulei Su, Brown University

Room 3 Panel  Session: 6-3   Apr. 09 (Sat) 10:00am–10:55am

Performance-based CFL Teaching: Pedagogy, Course Design, and Assessment
This panel focuses on using performance (or a situated communicative event) to design instruction and assessment for beginning-level CFL courses for different purposes. Presenter 1 demonstrates how a conversation-driven curriculum can prepare learners for lifelong learning of the language from productive encounters in the Chinese-speaking world. Presenter 2 shares the design and implementation of a performance-based business Chinese curriculum to enhance students’ intercultural competence. Presenter 3 outlines the design and implementation of performance-based learning to promote interaction in high-school courses.
Jianfen Wang, Berea College
Bing Mu, University of Rhode Island
Jing Gao, Ankeny Community School District

Room 4 Panel  Session: 6-4   Apr. 09 (Sat) 10:00am–10:55am

A Reflection on Virtual Summer Immersion Chinese Programs from a Comparative Perspective: Curriculum Innovation, Community Building, and Student Satisfaction
This panel provides insights on efforts to make transition to online teaching by three summer programs---CET Beijing, Middlebury and Princeton in Beijing. Although there are differences in the administrative structures, teaching materials and pedagogical approaches, these programs faced the same challenges. From a comparative perspective, the panelists will share their thoughts on curriculum design, community building, and student feedback, and will identify directions for future improvements.
Jing Wang, Princeton University - Princeton, NJ
Xia Liang, N/A
Cecilia Chang, Williams College

Room 5 Technique demonstration  Session: 6-5   Apr. 09 (Sat) 10:00am–10:55am

Accommodating Differences: Using Various Grouping Methods to Differentiate in K-5 Chinese Immersion Instruction
Immersion teachers will walk away from this session equipped with new skills in differentiation and means by which lessons can be more student-focused. The goal of the demonstration session will be to compare more traditional methods that are typically more teacher-led, with newer teaching styles that are student-led and allow students to learn by discussing with one another and learning from each other.
yitong wu, Hope Chinese Charter School
Learn Beyond Words Through a Story
This presentation aims to talking about using story telling to teach novice-mid students sentence structures that go beyond words on the basis of students' communicative needs and interests. The key skills of telling a story are also discussed.
Jingcheng Wang, Midland Public Schools
Flooding input with tone minimal pairs in ambiguous contexts to enhance lexical encoding of tone
The presentation demonstrates tone flooding (using tone minimal pairs: hua1 flower : hua4 picture in ambiguous contexts) with listening (e.g., Bingo, TPR) and production activities (e.g., Go Fish, Information Gaps).
Vance Schaefer, The University of Mississippi
Han-Hsin Sean Sung, The University of Mississippi
Abner Tian Zhang, The University of Mississippi
Technology-Enhanced Choice Boards in Chinese Language Classrooms
This session introduces ways to effectively use technology-enhanced choice boards to not only enhance students’ Chinese listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills, but also the development of their multiple intelligences.
Le Kang, Vail Mountain School

Room 6 Individual paper  Session: 6-6   Apr. 09 (Sat) 10:00am–10:55am

Assessing interactional competence in Chinese through job interviews
The researcher will present an assessment that is developed to assess learners’ interactional competence (reflected in the successful conduction of job interviews) modeled after Bachman & Palmer’s assessment development framework. Pilot results show that this assessment is well-designed and is more suitable for advanced-level learners, though minor improvements are needed.
Ding Wang-Bramlett, Carnegie Mellon University
Xizhen Qin, University of South Florida
Lifeng Sun, Tufts University
Xiangzhu Wang, San Francisco State University
Mingquan Wang, Tufts University

Room 7 Panel  Session: 6-7   Apr. 09 (Sat) 10:00am–10:55am

Enhancing L2 Learning from the Classroom and Beyond: From Theory to Practice
How should we integrate physical and virtual teaching to maximize learning? What possibilities and challenges come with the virtual environments? Are there theoretical models, empirical findings, and field-tested practices that can guide our endeavors in this post-pandemic era? Three studies will be presented to expound a research-informed theoretical model, data-tested hypotheses, and technology-mediated practice for enhancing L2 Chinese learning from the classroom and beyond.
Jennifer Liu, Harvard University
Hong Gang Jin, Hamilton College
Hsin-hsin Liang, University of Virginia

Room 8 Panel  Session: 6-8   Apr. 09 (Sat) 10:00am–10:55am

What Has the Pandemic Taught Us?-- Curriculum Design of An Intermediate Chinese Language Course
This panel includes1) An overall introduction of the curriculmn design of an online second-year Chinese language course during the pandemic, 2) How to use the teachnology tools to enhance students’ learning, 3) How to enage students with contexual learning and authentic materials. The aim is to share the successful design, techniques and technology used in our teaching practice during the pandemic so the audiences can have some hands-on and ready-to-use activities which can be applied into their post-pandemic teaching.
Jun Wang, UW-Madison
Yixuan Cai, UW-Madison
Luwei Wang, UW-Madison
Jingyi Zhou, UW-Madison

11:00am - 11:55am    2022-04-09 Saturday

Room 1 Panel  Session: 7-1   Apr. 09 (Sat) 11:00am–11:55am

Intercultural Communicative Competence Training for Chinese Learners: A Language Flagship Model
Intercultural communicative competence (ICC) plays a very important role in language learners’ growth and success, especially during study abroad. The Chinese Flagship Culture Initiative (CFCI) provides tools for students to independently develop their sociopragmatic and pragmalinguistic competences through an extensive repository of scenario-based modules. This panel discusses the analysis of student needs based on study abroad experiences, shares the materials developed by the project, and showcases podcasts created by students reflecting on their encounters with native speakers of Chinese.
Yea-Fen Chen, Indiana University Bloomington
Tianyu Qin, University of North Georgia
Zhuo Jing-Schmidt, University of Oregon
Neeli Kasdorf, Indiana University Bloomington

Room 2 Panel  Session: 7-2   Apr. 09 (Sat) 11:00am–11:55am

Gain or Loss? Teacher development and professional growth in online CFL teaching
This study investigates teacher participants’ self-assessed confidence in transitioning from summer intensive training to real teaching in fall. Quantitative and qualitative analysis based on triangulated data indicates that teachers’ confidence shows a tendency of increase in three stages of progressive development in the application of effective principles for online teaching and the overall efficacy of teaching and technology use.
Miao-fen Tseng, University of Virginia
Luoyi Cai, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Ziyi Geng, University of Virginia

Room 3 Technique demonstration  Session: 7-3   Apr. 09 (Sat) 11:00am–11:55am

Kening Li, University of Michigan
Teaching Identity in Heritage Language Classroom through Translation Project
I will introduce the process of the whole translation project and how students are challenged to take on the identity issue through the learning.
Yan Xu, Oklahoma State University
Performing interpretation in beginning-level CFL classrooms
I demonstrate a live interpretation game for practicing oral language skills. It is applicable to all levels. Even first-semester students enjoyed the game and reported a great sense of accomplishment.
Jianfen Wang, Berea College
Aligning curriculum with proficiency and intercultural communication competence objectives in a beginning level Chinese course
This presentation will demonstrate how to align curriculum with proficiency and ICC objectives at a Chinese 101 course. Techniques include designing Integrated Performance Assessments, ICC activities, syllabus, and other activities.
Jianping Cai, University of Rhode Island
Chinese in Museums: Improving High-Proficiency Chinese Learners’ Speaking Ability Through Museum Visits
Learning Chinese through museum visits is an innovative approach to advanced Chinese learning that can enhance the students’ speaking ability and their engagement with Chinese culture, art, and history.
Xiaocheng Chen, Harvard University

Room 4 Panel  Session: 7-4   Apr. 09 (Sat) 11:00am–11:55am

《基于需求分析的商务汉语核心教学内容探讨》 An Investigation of the Essential Contents of Business Chinese Instruction Based on Needs Analysis
Daoxiong Guan, UCSB
Zhongqi Shi, Columbia University
Shan Fu, Yiwu Industrial & Commercial College

Room 5 Individual paper  Session: 7-5   Apr. 09 (Sat) 11:00am–11:55am

Effects of marking methods on assessing speech act production in L2 Chinese
The present mixed methods study compared holistic and analytic marking methods for their effects on parameter estimation (of examinees, raters, and items) and rater cognition in assessing speech act production in L2 Chinese. The holistic rating scale simultaneously tapped five dimensions: communicative function, prosody, fluency, situational appropriateness, and grammaticality; the analytic rating scales examined the five dimensions separately. Quantitative and qualitative data will be presented
Shuai Li, Geogia State University
Ting Wen, BLCU
Xian Li, Georgia State University
Yali Feng, Georgia State University
Chuan Lin,
Development of Placement Test for Chinese Language Programs: Dos and Don’ts
Many Chinese programs at university level struggle to effectively and efficiently assess students’ proficiency to place students into suitable courses. This presentation draws on a one-year project by the presenter, from the perspectives of both a developer and a program director, exploring how to facilitate placement for Chinese language programs.
Lin Zhu, Tulane University
Comprehensive Input and Tutor-Student Interaction in a Chinese Language Tutoring Program
One-on-one tutoring is a crucial opportunity for language learners to receive individualized instruction. This action research study seeks to address the ineffectiveness of novice native speaking tutors in Chinese language programs. This study will provide practical advice to Chinese teachers looking to improve upon their tutoring program without additional resources.
Yueru Ni, Arizona State University

Room 6 Individual paper  Session: 7-6   Apr. 09 (Sat) 11:00am–11:55am

Enhancing Sociocultural Competence Through Multimedia and Movies
Teaching plans will be provided to illustrate how multimedia and movies should be incorporate in the lesson and classroom to activate learners' sense of cultural awareness, provide social and cultural background knowledge that enhances students’ language learning, and ultimately promote students’ language proficiency.
Lin Tsai, Defense Language Institute
Gina Hsieh, DLI
Effects of Syntactic and Semantic Complexity and L1 Experience on L2 Acquisition of Chinese Directional Complements: Pedagogical Implications
The present study investigated whether second language (L2) learners’ acquisition of Chinese directional complements (DCs) was influenced by the syntactic and semantic complexity of DCs, and learners’ experience with their first language. The findings of this study have implications for teaching Chinese DCs, and potentially other Chinese multiword sequences.
Xue He, University of Iowa
Character difficulty and word difficulty: Which matters more in L2 Chinese reading and listening?
This study explores how character difficult and word difficulty affect L2 Chinese reading and listening. Results show that in both reading and listening tests, word difficulty had greater predictive power than character difficulty in terms of learners’ accuracy. However, while word difficulty had greater predictive impact on learners’ listening accuracy than character difficulty, it had less impact on learners’ listening fluency.
Yu Liu, Brigham Young University

Room 7 Panel  Session: 7-7   Apr. 09 (Sat) 11:00am–11:55am

涉及语言教学的“形式”一词含义甚广,从词语搭配、语法结构到语段组织、语篇 章法乃至教材编写、课堂实施和课程设置都能抽象并提炼出某种“形式”,这常常是开展教学活动的抓手。形式问题处理得当,教学才能有迹可循,有法可依,从个体经验上升为有普遍意义的原则。然而,长久以来,对重“形式”的教学法有一种批评,认为对“形式”问题的过分关注会导致语言学习背离交流的本质,让课堂变得机械、死板、无趣。针对这种批评,本组的三个报告人将从对多种“形式”的重新梳理出发,结合各自的教学经验,谈谈怎么以“形式”为依托,把课上得既扎实又生动,既强调语言的准确性又不忽视学生的主动性。
Tao Peng, Columbia University
Lening Liu, Columbia University
Yongtao Zhang, Yale University
Jincheng Liu, University of Notre Dame

Room 8 Panel  Session: 7-8   Apr. 09 (Sat) 11:00am–11:55am

Chinese Language Courses for Specific Purposes: A Case Study in Curriculum Development at College Level
There is a growing need of graduate students who can take their place among the next generation of global professionals, who can apply superior level of proficiency in a foreign language in their professional work. In this panel, the presenters discuss the development of the student-centered, multidisciplinary curricular design at the advanced Chinese language courses. This panel also reports a two-stage survey with 22 participants from the Chinese major on their perception of using documentary films as effective implementation strategies in business Chinese courses during the spring of 2020, 2021 and 2022.
Xiaoyan Hu, University of Rhode Island
Wayne Wenchao He, University of Rhode Island

2:00pm - 2:55pm    2022-04-09 Saturday

Room 1 Panel  Session: 8-1   Apr. 09 (Sat) 2:00pm–2:55pm

Read-On STARTALK Literacy Development Panel #1: Integrating Synchronous and Asynchronous Sessions into Online Teacher Development for the Best of Both Worlds
This is the first panel of a series on reading literacy instruction presented by the program director, leadership team, and master teachers who participated in the Read-On STARTALK literacy development teacher training program in the summer of 2021. It provides an overview of the design of this fully on-line program, and showcases the final products of research-supported literacy instruction practices in intermediate-to-advanced CSL classes.
Claudia Ross, Holy Cross
Ying Kline Feng, Penn State University
Hsin-hung Yeh, Santa Clara University
Jiajia Wang, University of Pennsylvania

Room 2 Individual paper  Session: 8-2   Apr. 09 (Sat) 2:00pm–2:55pm

Teaching about the Chinese Writing System to Chinese Language Learners
This presentation introduces a course on the Chinese Writing System aimed at undergraduate students, including language learners. Besides covering the origin, classification, and development of the Chinese script, it also explores apps displaying animated-characters for learning stroke order; socio-cultural exploration of semantic “radicals”; script reform; internet language, tranßcripting; etc.
Marjorie KM Chan, The Ohio State University
Learners’ Writing Strategy Use in CFL Classrooms: A Cross-Sectional Approach
This empirical study adopted a cross-sectional approach to a) examine the writing strategies employed by CFL learners at different instructional levels and b) explore the relationship between their strategy frequency and text quality. The findings are expected to shed light on the integration of writing strategies into CFL curricula.
Li Yang, Kansas State University
Zenan Zhao, University of Sydney
Chuan-Hui Weng, UTK

Room 3 Individual paper  Session: 8-3   Apr. 09 (Sat) 2:00pm–2:55pm

Chinese character artwork project for elementary and intermediate level Chinese learners
In this panel, we are going to present a creative project at Harvard elementary & intermediate-level classes to integrate the art of Chinese characters into Chinese curriculums; to help students learn, explore and experience the Chinese characters through artwork making.
JIE YING, Harvard University
斌 杨, Harvard University
Ning Ma, University of Minnesota, Twin Cities
Xiaoting Wang, University of Northern Iowa
Stephen Russell, The University of Iowa

Room 4 Individual paper  Session: 8-4   Apr. 09 (Sat) 2:00pm–2:55pm

Shunan Yang, Harvard University
Dan Wang, Harvard University
Ling Yan, Columbia University
Cooking with grammar: Ba 把, time duration and shapes
This study is to show the usefulness of cooking shows for teaching and learning ba 把 sentences, the time duration grammar structure and shapes in a rough sense. I will analyze video clips from cooking shows that use these grammar points for application in hands on tasks.
Grainger S Lanneau, University of Washington

Room 5 Individual paper  Session: 8-5   Apr. 09 (Sat) 2:00pm–2:55pm

Yi-Lu Kuo, University of Chicago
Exploiting authentic texts in the heritage Chinese language classroom 华裔语言课堂中的真实语料应用
Tianshu He, Duke University

Room 6 Individual paper  Session: 8-6   Apr. 09 (Sat) 2:00pm–2:55pm

Early Action-Research Evidence Supporting a Distributed Training Model for Tone Acquisition in Novice and Intermediate Classroom CSL Contexts 初中级课堂中分布式声调训练的初探行动研究结果
This presentation will report promising results from a longitudinal mixed-methods action research evidence for an alternative to massed Chinese pronunciation/tone training: a distributed-practice model to systematically train learners to differentiate and produce tones in multi-syllable-length utterances. Early analyses of results indicate that learners of all types (true beginners, heritage learners, non-beginners) all benefit significantly from this training.
Matt Coss, George Washington University
Development of Beginning-level Chinese L2 Learners’ Refusal Production
This study examined the development of refusals among 30 English-speaking beginning-level learners of Chinese in at-home context. Results showed a significant development in appropriateness rating, fluency, and use of adjuncts to refusals, but lack of progress in indirect and direct refusal strategies and sensitivity to social status.
Shuyi Yang, Johns Hopkins University
Using a variety of fonts to train Chinese characters: A simple technique that can enhance character learning
Ninety-six participants with no previous Chinese learning experience were trained to recognize English definitions for 24 Chinese characters. Training used either a single font, or three different fonts. After training, tests showed that multiple fonts were better for learning characters. I will share simple teaching activities that use multiple fonts.
Eric Pelzl, Pennsylvania State University

2:00pm - 3:55pm    2022-04-09 Saturday

Room 7 Roundtable 1  Session: 21-7   Apr. 09 (Sat) 2:00pm–3:55pm

设计具有社会正义公平的汉语语言与文化的教学大纲 (Designing a Social Justice-Oriented Chinese Language and Culture Curriculum)
本场圆桌包括CLTA中小学SIG的四位成员,从各类教学背景出发,介绍在各年龄各水平的中文项目中,以多元、平等、共融等DEI主题为焦点、遵循ACTFL语言教学大纲及Learning for Justice社会公正教学标准而设计教学内容。报告者将从教学标准入手,分享融合三种交流模式的课程设计思路、测评案例、学生成果等。听众除了获得讲义外,也将参与小组讨论,与他人共同探讨DEI主题在中文教学中的多种可能。
王春梦 (主讲), Durham Academy, NC
何舟洲, Manor View Elementary, MD
刘小青, Butler University
于杭鑫, Barrington Middle School-Station campus, IL
关春梅 (主持人), Logansport High School, IN

3:00pm - 3:55pm    2022-04-09 Saturday

Room 1 Panel  Session: 9-1   Apr. 09 (Sat) 3:00pm–3:55pm

ReadOn STARTALK Literacy Development Panel #2: Differentiated Literacy Instructional Designs in Novice and Intermediate CFL Classes 初、中級閱讀課程中的分層教學設計
This is the 2nd panel of the series offered by the master teachers who completed the 2021 Read-On STARTALK literacy development teacher training program. This panel showcases project designs, task creation and lesson plans of differentiated instruction in the novice-to-intermediate classrooms for both heritage and non-heritage CFL learners.
Pei-Chia Chen, UC San Diego
Hsiang-Ling Wang, Ohio State University
Hsiui-Hsien Chan, Yale University
Wen-Hua Du, Worcester Polytechnic Institute

Room 2 Individual paper  Session: 9-2   Apr. 09 (Sat) 3:00pm–3:55pm

How to Integrate equity into Chinese Language curriculum
In my presentation, with specific examples of how to integrate equity into Chinese curriculum from novice to advanced levels, in gender, LGBTQA rights, cultural and racial, religion, inclusion, SES (social and economical status), and academic performance equity.
Qiong Chen, Chicago public school
《国际中文教育中文水平等级标准》与美国 ACTFL 的 can-do 对应与应用
Franz Chen, Ponddy Education
Lowering Foreign Language anxiety through technology: A case study on examining Students’ Speaking Anxiety through Mobile Assisted Language Learning
This mixed-method reasearch incudes a total of 45 U.S. college students who carried out the tasks on WhatsApp in their Chinese class. The pre and post questionnaire on FLSA was employed at the beginning and end of the semester, students’ Whatsapp recorded tasks were collected. In depth interviews on selection of students were followed.
Yiping Zhang, University of Rhode Island

Room 3 Individual paper  Session: 9-3   Apr. 09 (Sat) 3:00pm–3:55pm

Hongyun Sun, Boston University
Jili Sun, Northwestern University
Yanmei Liu, DLI

Room 4 Individual paper  Session: 9-4   Apr. 09 (Sat) 3:00pm–3:55pm

Effects of Proficiency and Length of Residence on Chinese Learners’ Grammatical Knowledge
This study investigated how proficiency level and immersion influence Chinese learners’ grammatical knowledge. An acceptability judgment task was conducted to test learners’ knowledge of Chinese grammar. The results indicate that learners’ proficiency rather than the length of L2 immersion serves as a strong predictor for successful attainment of grammatical knowledge.
Junghwan Maeng, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Is 反而 equivalent to “on the contrary”?
This study investigates the syntactic and semantic meanings of 反而 and “on the contrary” to disclose the differences between the two. It hopes to shed light on our understanding of 反而 and the difficulties presented to CFL students when learning the word, and therefrom contributes to the teaching of the adverb.
Fei Ren, Georgetown University

Room 5 Individual paper  Session: 9-5   Apr. 09 (Sat) 3:00pm–3:55pm

Advertising in Chinese: Delivering an interdisciplinary language course through CLAC in the higher education context
This paper will describe the design, implementation, and the challenges of creating and delivering Advertising in Chinese, a Culture and Languages across the Curriculum course created for advanced learners in an American university. The collaboration between experts and a language teacher, and the use of authentic materials in module planning will be discussed.
Kunshan Lee, Duke University
化整为零 循序渐进 ——浅谈华裔初中级水平学生阅读能力的培养与提高
Fan Liu, Yale University

Room 6 Individual paper  Session: 9-6   Apr. 09 (Sat) 3:00pm–3:55pm

Teaching Business Chinese through Lexical and Reading Comprehension
The application of lexical access and text comprehension theory to the teaching of business Chinese reduces the burden of students' language information processing, increases vocabulary volume and business language knowledge, speeds up reading, and improves reading comprehension accuracy.
Yan Shen, UCLA
王中琪, Hanzishu
Students’ Perceptions of Multi-Platform Collaborative ICT Teaching Strategies in Chinese Classes
This study examined the students’ perception of Multi-Platform Collaborative CLT teaching strategies, the advantage and challenges of the ICT in foreign language teaching. The results provide guidelines that may help teachers apply the appropriate approach to motivate students in Chinese classes.
Dan Wang, University of Tennessee

Room 8 Individual paper  Session: 9-8   Apr. 09 (Sat) 3:00pm–3:55pm

Tao-Chung Ted Yao Memorial Award Session
The Construction of Chinese Pedagogical Grammar System
This paper explores two sets criteria used to construct pedagogical grammar both in English and Chinese. After a comparative analysis of Diane Larsen-Freeman’s grammar framework and the Trinitarian Grammar which was proposed by Feng Shengli and Shi Chunhong, this paper suggests a four-dimensional framework for Chinese pedagogical grammar: grammatical structure, meaning (lexical and grammatical), pragmatic functions and sequence of typical contexts starting with an “optimal understanding model”.
Nini Li, University of Hawaii at Mānoa
Language variation in teacher speech in a dual immersion preschool
This study focuses on the actual bilingual practice in a dual immersion classroom and the use of variation including Mandarin lexical tones and word-initial sibilants in teacher speech as the major input for the children to develop the sociolinguistic competence in their non-dominant but heritage language.
XINYE ZHANG, University of California, Davis
Transformative Learning Experiences in a Study Abroad Mandarin Program
The purpose of this study is to examine the impact of intercultural dialogical interactions of the participants in a Study Abroad (SA) Mandarin immersion program from Vygotsky’s (1978, 1981) and Bakhtin’s (1981, 1986) sociocultural conceptualization. The results reveal that this SA program provided the participants a unique transformative learning experience.
wen guo, University at Buffalo

4:00pm - 4:55pm    2022-04-09 Saturday

Room 1 Panel  Session: 10-1   Apr. 09 (Sat) 4:00pm–4:55pm

Read-On STARTALK Literacy Development Panel #3: From Guided Reading to Self-directed Reading at the Intermediate and Advanced Levels 中高级汉语精读、泛读实践: 从引导式阅读进阶到自主式阅读
This is the 3rd panel of the series offered by the master teachers who completed the 2021 ReadOn STARTALK literacy development teacher training program. This panel showcases lessons plans and pedagogical applications of differentiated instruction in the intermediate-to-advanced classrooms and cultivation of automaticity and autonomy in CFL readers.
Ke Peng, Western Kentucky University
Chun-Ying Lin, College of William & Mary
Yu Wu, University of Rhode Island

Room 2 Panel  Session: 10-2   Apr. 09 (Sat) 4:00pm–4:55pm

The Use of Speech Processing Technologies for Novice- and Intermediate-Level CSL Learning and Instruction
This panel explores the feasibility of using speech processing technologies to assist CSL teaching and learning and to improve CSL learners’ listening and speaking proficiency. The first presenter provides an overview of currently available speech processing tools and services that could be used for CSL teaching and learning. The second presenter examines CSL learners’ capability of distinguishing between real human speech and synthesized speech. The third presenter investigates the accuracy of Google’s Speech-to-Text technology in automatically recognizing CSL learners’ speech.
Chengxu Yin, University of Notre Dame
Jun Da, Middle Tennessee State University
Yanlin Wang, Texas Tech University

Room 3 Individual paper  Session: 10-3   Apr. 09 (Sat) 4:00pm–4:55pm

Fangzheng Zhang, Harvard University
Developing Foreign Language Learners’ Symbolic Competence in a Study Abroad Context: A Pilot Study
This paper illustrates students’ development of symbolic competence in a study abroad context. By providing a thick description of students’ multilingual performance, this paper shows how Chinese L2 learners’ multiple culture repertoires contributing to each other’s multilingual learning and how pedagogical activities may promote students’ semiotic awareness.
Shengnan Xiao, University of Massachusetts Amherst
Literature in Translation and Chinese Language Teaching: A Symbiotic Approach to Program Development and Curriculum Design
This paper studies a model of curriculum design that incorporates literature-in-translation into Chinese language program by (1) recruiting students through literature-in-translation courses, (2) retaining students through a formative approach to language teaching, and (3) coordinating literature-in-translation courses with language courses to build a symbiotic system that contributes to program development.
Mingming Liu, Oakland University

Room 4 Individual paper  Session: 10-4   Apr. 09 (Sat) 4:00pm–4:55pm

Collaborative Curriculum Design on Social Justice in Chinese Heritage Classes
This session presents collaborative curriculum design on teaching social justice topics for Chinese heritage learners in high school and college classes. Instructors facilitate service-learning and project-based learning throughout the thematic unit covering topics on Asian American immigration history, stereotypes about Asians, anti-Asian hate crimes, and anti-discrimination strategies.
Lini G Polin, UNC Chapel Hill
Bonnie Wang, Durham Academy
Shang Chi: Integrating Film in Chinese Heritage Classes
This presentation introduces how to incorporate Shang Chi, a newly released Marvel film with an almost all-Asian cast, into a heritage Chinese course. Students' language ability and cultural understanding greatly improved as a result of the activities designed, proving that this film can be an excellent supplemental teaching material.
Jing Hu, University of Pennsylvania
Grace Wu, University of Pennsylvania
Identity Development and Culture Instruction in Chinese as a Heritage Language Education: Examining Immigrant Identity in Chinese-American Cross-Cultural Films
This presentation demonstrates why and how Chinese-American cross-cultural films highlighting immigrant identity can be utilized to facilitate Chinese heritage language learners’ identity development through intergenerational communication, peer interaction, community involvement, and intercultural learning.
Han Luo, Lafayette College

Room 5 Individual paper  Session: 10-5   Apr. 09 (Sat) 4:00pm–4:55pm

The Role of Typographic Enhancement on Incidental Learning of Words and Collocations
This study is the first to compare the incidental learning of words and collocations through reading. It intends to shed new light on the role, and limitations, of typographic enhancement.
Xiaoming Hou, Johns Hopkins University
Typing vs Handwriting on CFL Students’ Character Learning
This study attempts to find out whether handwriting and typing have different impact on CFL learners’ character learning. The results indicate both groups read Chinese characters equally well. Also, the Pinyin input system helped participants produce significantly more correct characters.
Liu Li, Ball State University
A Variationist Sociolinguistic Perspective on Chinese Immersion Children’s Language Use
This mixed-methods case study explores patterns of first language (L1) and second language (L2) use by three English-speaking second graders attending an early total one-way Chinese immersion program in the U.S. as they carried out classroom tasks and activities with different interlocutors in the classroom.
Mengying Liu, University of Minnesota

Room 6 Individual paper  Session: 10-6   Apr. 09 (Sat) 4:00pm–4:55pm

Focus on Form 和 Focus on Forms 对初级CFL大学生词汇学习的影响初探---以“还是、或者”为例。
本文通过设计一项在初级CFL大学生中的教学实验,初步考察了Focus on Form和Focus on Forms对“还是、或者”两个词的习得影响。
Jingjing Ao, Yale University
Enhancing Intercultural Competence of Language Learners: A Case Study of Virtual Community Engagement Projects
This case study examines virtual community engagement projects used for advanced language learners to develop intercultural competence. By interviewing multiple stakeholders, it looks at how these projects were accomplished in various stages of planning through implementing, and addresses practical benefits and challenges of community outreach projects for language learning.
Xinyi Wu, University of Pennsylvania
Xiaolin Peng, University of Pennsylvania

Room 7 Panel  Session: 10-7   Apr. 09 (Sat) 4:00pm–4:55pm

Language Learning and Teachability of Intercultural Communication
The panel aims to bridge the gap between “knowing the culture” and “acting appropriately in the culture” while promoting the teaching of culture and language as an organic whole. 3 presentations: Integrating cultural perspectives into language learning to enhance intercultural competence; Developing and implementing learning materials that promote cultural understanding and cultural appropriateness; Promoting cultural learning through community-based service-learning in a study abroad context.
Peng Yu, University of New Mexico
Kunshan Lee, Duke University
Jin Zhang, The University of Notre Dame
Li Xu, Duke Kunshan University

Room 8 SIG 1-hour Roundtable 1  Session: 10-8   Apr. 09 (Sat) 4:00pm–4:55pm

梁宁辉, Yale University
刘芳, Oberlin College
陈彤, MIT
高正远 Matt Coss, Michigan State University, George Washington University
杨春生, University of Connecticut
張曼蓀, Williams College
张航, George Washington University
胡龙华, Brown University

7:00pm - 10:00pm    2022-04-09 Saturday

Room 0 Membership meeting  Session: 11-0   Apr. 09 (Sat) 7:00pm–10:00pm

General membership meeting
Keynote speech: 林培瑞(Perry Link).
花甲一轮,恭喜北美中文教师学会成立60周年。 59年前的1963年也正好是我在哈佛大学选修一年级中文课程的时刻。班上有12个同学,不分大小班,录音带是那种大卷老式的。没有卡式录音带,没有录像带,更没有电脑。条件与今日天差地别! 但是相对于学生更多,科技更发达的变化,今天最重要的是教学效果的进步。西洋的传统“汉学”注重阅读和翻译,分析问题都是用英文,法文或德文进行的。60 年以后,说听读写并重,目标是希望学生把中文当作自己的,把它“内在化”,用中文做事情,交朋友,喜怒哀乐,甚至做梦。英文免不了还是母语,但中文变成“继母语”,在脑子里种下自己的根。将来呢?我们没有水晶球,但希望这个良好趋势继续发展。今日比以前好多了,但并不完善,还有发展的余地。
Yongping Zhu (host), University of Notre Dame

2022-04-10 Sunday

10:00am - 10:55am    2022-04-10 Sunday

Room 1 Individual paper  Session: 12-1   Apr. 10 (Sun) 10:00am–10:55am

A Chinese linguistics course for language learners: What should we teach?
A Chinese linguistics course can be designed for students of Chinese language. This study will survey the content of the main Chinese linguistic textbooks and hopes to generate discussion on the course material, with the goal of assisting students in their future study of the language.
Lan Zhang, University of Memphis
Hang Zhang, George Washington University
The Omission of Conjunctions in Intermediate and Advanced Chinese Teaching
It’s a challenge to instruct on when to use and when to omit conjunctions in intermediate and advanced Chinese classes. From the perspective of the comparison between English and Chinese, this presentation presents under what circumstances the conjunctions are unnecessary because of the use of various Chinese parataxis means, and puts forward suggestions for teachers on relevant curriculum design and teaching strategies, followed by instructional examples. The purpose of this study is to find the most effective teaching design and strategy through discussion, so that students can have evidence to rely on when expressing and achieve natural output.
Meiqing Sun, UNC Greensboro

Room 2 Individual paper  Session: 12-2   Apr. 10 (Sun) 10:00am–10:55am

“Contemporary Topics”: Balancing Content and Language
The presenter will first give a brief introduction of Chinese “Contemporary Topics, then will provide some specific strategies in regards to how to promote student’s language proficiency through the whole learning process. This report will be beneficial for those who are new to theme-based teaching and learning.
Lily Han, FSI
Fu-lun Lee, National Taiwan Normal University
Yuhsiang Shen, NCCU
Wun-Jung Hsieh, NCCU

Room 3 Individual paper  Session: 12-3   Apr. 10 (Sun) 10:00am–10:55am

Wei-Ting Yang, 國立政治大學National Cheng Chi University
虚词由于其表义的特殊性, 要求我们更多地关注其使用的语义背景,这样才能全面、细致、客观地刻画语义,给学习者和使用者提供明确的、操作性的语义指导。运用“语义结构分析法”来分析副词“就”的语义,可以通过一套模式化的操作,较全面地寻找副词“就”所包含的语义要素,并分析要素间的相互关系,从而客观地描写语义结构,准确认识其意义及用法。
Language Use in the Multilingual Study Abroad Context: A Social Network Perspective
The study provides a methodological tool to collect, analyze, and understand the complete social network and language use in multilingual study abroad context.
Yi Wang, Stony Brook University

Room 4 Individual paper  Session: 12-4   Apr. 10 (Sun) 10:00am–10:55am

Understanding antecedents of willingness to communicate in Chinese as a second language
This paper reports on college students’ willingness to communicate (WTC) in Chinese as a second language (L2). The results suggested that learners’ L2 Chinese WTC was the synergic result of linguistic (i.e., speech proficiency), psychological (i.e., speech anxiety, speech self-efficacy, speech motivation), and contextual (i.e., sociocultural attitudes) factors.
Peijian Sun, Zhejiang University
Fostering Pragmatic Awareness and Readiness: Self-deprecating Humor as a Compliment Response Strategy Among CFL learners’ Online Peer Interactions
The study attempts to examine advanced CFL learners’ appreciation and employment of self-deprecating humor in compliment responses (CR). The study uses four common types of compliments, which are personal appearance, characteristics, possessions, achievements. Results of CFL learners' production task, appropriateness judgment task, followed by preference task and possible pedagogical implementations will be shared and discussed in the paper.
Xiaoying Liles, University of Indiana Bloomington
Teaching grammar as social action formats: The example of modal verb huì
The current study takes modal verb huì ‘will’ as an example to demonstrate the recently proposed approach to grammar instruction in CSL - teaching grammar as social action formats.
Yan Zhou, UCLA

Room 5 Individual paper  Session: 12-5   Apr. 10 (Sun) 10:00am–10:55am

Online Chinese Course for Business Professionals: Design and Challenges
Due to the rapid development of technology, digitizing our traditional classes is a good attempt to suit new trends. Our online business Chinese class will broaden the scope of students to include those who are business majors. The design of this course is a new attempt to employ technology as well as combating decreasing enrollment.
Congcong Ma, University of Notre Dame
Ying-Yu Chen, NTNU, United States Military Academy West Point

Room 6 Panel  Session: 12-6   Apr. 10 (Sun) 10:00am–10:55am

Cheer up! Chinese Learners’ Motivation under the Pandemic Found NOT Decreased
With current fast-changing Sino-US relations, particularly considering the effects of COVID-19, there is a rising concern about Chinese language learners’ motivation. This panel consists of three studies on college-level Mandarin Chinese learners' motivation. Both qualitative and quantitative measures are employed to examine the COVID-19 pandemic's impact on learners' motivation from beginning to advanced levels. The presenters will share their promising findings and propose practical motivating strategies.
Henghua Su, Xi'an Jiaotong-Liverpool University
Chenqing Song, Binghamton University
Qifei Kao, Binghamton University
Lu Lu, Virginia Military Institute

Room 8 Individual paper  Session: 12-8   Apr. 10 (Sun) 10:00am–10:55am

Interculturality in K-12 Chinese language education: Dilemmas and Challenges
This mixed methods study involved 231 K-12 Chinese language teachers from across the U.S. By focusing on the intercultural challenges and dilemmas that these teachers experienced in their diverse school contexts, the findings illuminate the intersection between personal and professional identities in the K-12 Chinese language teaching context.
Wenhao Diao, University of Arizona
Yi Xu, University of Pittsburgh
Yang Xiao-Desai, San Francisco State University
The use of pre-nominal structural particle de in CFL classroom—— A CA perspective
Building on previous studies on syntactic features in conversation and the pre-nominal de in Chinese, this research examines how CFL learners use the pre-nominal de in a variety of classroom settings for conversational strategies, such as elongation and self-repair, through empirical evidence and CA methodology.
Hsin-Tzu Jen, University of Hawaii
The effects of syntactic awareness to L2 Chinese passage-level reading comprehension
This study aimed to investigate the association between syntactic awareness and L2 Chinese passage-level reading comprehension in 209 Chinese as a second language adult-learners.
Jing Zhou, Pomona College

10:00am - 11:55am    2022-04-10 Sunday

Room 7 Roundtable 2  Session: 20-7   Apr. 10 (Sun) 10:00am–11:55am

史金生, 首都师范大学
孙朝奋, Stadford University
刘乐宁, Columbia University
梁霞 (主持), Washington University in St. Louis

11:00am - 11:55am    2022-04-10 Sunday

Room 1 Individual paper  Session: 13-1   Apr. 10 (Sun) 11:00am–11:55am

A Quantitative Report on Student Perception of In-Person and Virtual Instruction in a First-Year Mandarin Course
This presentation will report, based on a quantitative analysis of a course survey completed by 42 students, student perception of instruction, motivation, and performance with respect to instructional modes (in-person and virtual) in a first-year Mandarin Chinese course. It will also provide a contextualized examination of the findings and a detailed discussion of relevant pedagogical implications and strategies.
Wei William Zhou, The Ohio State University
Debate in Advanced Chinese Class: Design, Execution, and Reflection
This presentation focuses on how debate can be used in advanced Chinese class to maximize students’ learning experience. With an exemplary case, the presentation walks the audience through a debate lesson that challenges the advanced Chinese language learners to their language ability, argumentative skills, and teamwork spirit.
Pengfei Li, Vanderbilt University
Incorporating a Project-Based Learning Approach into an Advanced Chinese Language Curriculum
This paper demonstrates a project-based translation initiative by advanced-level Chinese learners for a local museum. It discusses the pedagogical frameworks of project-based learning (PBL), showcases project design and outcomes, and addresses the benefits as well as challenges. Students’ perceptions towards this approach are presented. Recommendations for curriculum development are provided.
Yi Zhou, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

Room 2 Individual paper  Session: 13-2   Apr. 10 (Sun) 11:00am–11:55am

Promoting early Chinese literacy through Open Educational Resources
Adopting Open Educational Resources (OERs) developed using Chinese children's literature, this study will provide empirical results about the impact that OERs have on promoting early Chinese literacy skills. With a mixed-method design, practical implications about student learning, instructional approach, and curriculum development will be discussed.
Jiahang Li, College of Education, Michigan State University
How does technology matter? A Pandemic of Student Engagement in Chinese Learning
This paper discusses the challenges that Chinese language instructors face in using technology to engage students in their Chinese learning during the pandemic, and how technology instruction could be designed to enhance student engagement. Student engagement principles and student perceptions are employed to evaluate the appropriateness of technology use for future Chinese instructional design implications.
Tingting Wang, Auburn University
Creating a good first impression with a liquid syllabus
Syllabus is an important and inseparable part of a course. However, the message, tone, language, and format that a syllabus uses are usually either ignored or taken for granted. This presentation reports the creation and use of liquid syllabi in Chinese courses at different levels and students’ experiences with them.
Hongying Xu, University of Wisconsin-La Crosse

Room 3 Individual paper  Session: 13-3   Apr. 10 (Sun) 11:00am–11:55am

Liwei Jiao, Brown University
北美地区古代汉语综合性教材编写的再思考——以Classical Chinese Primer(《古文入门》)为例
以Classical Chinese Primer(《古文入门》)为例,探讨北美地区综合性古代汉语教材的编写。
Xiubo Shan, Hebei Normal University
A Lasting Legacy: John B. Tsu (1924-2005)
This presentation provides a historical background about the establishment of CLTA and its Journal of Chinese Language Teachers Association in order to commemorate the founder of the organization, Dr. John B. Tsu.
Dongdong Chen, Seton Hall University

Room 4 Panel  Session: 13-4   Apr. 10 (Sun) 11:00am–11:55am

Panel Title: Enrich elementary and intermediate teaching with cultural exposure and multi-literacy learning
In this panel, we will discuss how we find authentic videos and utilize them in beginning level classes; how we introduce students to know Chinese people and Chinese life at the very beginning through task-based interactive video activities; how we motivate students to explore more about China on their own at the beginning and intermediate level Chinese study.
Rongzhen Li, Yale
Ninghui Liang, Yale University
Jianhua Shen, Yale

Room 5 Panel  Session: 13-5   Apr. 10 (Sun) 11:00am–11:55am

From classroom to community: DEI in instructional methodology, course content and extracurricular activities
This panel focuses on how to incorporate DEI in colligate CFL classrooms and beyond, by way of showcasing and analyzing pedagogical cases and materials in instructional methodology, course content and extracurricular activities. 1) DEI in instructional methodology: Diversified and differentiated learning in classroom activities and students’ projects; 2) DEI in a Chinese heritage language course: Starting from revamping content; and 3) Creating Pathways for Community Participation.
Haixia Wang, Carnegie Mellon University
Gang Liu, Carnegie Mellon University
Jingjing Ji, Northwestern University
Zheng Gu, Oxford College of Emory University

Room 6 Panel  Session: 13-6   Apr. 10 (Sun) 11:00am–11:55am

Promoting Equitable Practices in the Chinese Language Classroom at Early Colleges
The practice of equity is necessary to the mission of an early college network. Equity requires self-reflection, accountability, access to opportunities, and knowledge of power dynamics and systems of oppression that serve to marginalize. Three panelists will share how they created a more equitable curriculum for students of color. Resources and ideas will be shared in the hope to fuel continuous endeavors in Chinese language education, especially for those from minority ethnic and racial groups
Hsuan-Ying Liu, Bard High School Early College DC
Chelsea Nakabayashi, Bard High School Early College Baltimore
Yumin Deng, Bard High School Early College DC

Room 8 Panel  Session: 13-8   Apr. 10 (Sun) 11:00am–11:55am

Panpan Gao, MIT
Kaidi Chen, University of Connecticut
Xiaoying Yu, University of Michigan

2:00pm - 2:55pm    2022-04-10 Sunday

Room 1 Individual paper  Session: 14-1   Apr. 10 (Sun) 2:00pm–2:55pm

Qiuli Z Levin, University of Michigan
Empowering Intermediate-Level Heritage Students through Exploring Spoken and Unspoken Love in Chinese Popular Culture
This presentation aims to discuss how the different forms of love, including LGBTQ+ issues, and Chinese popular culture (songs) can be integrated and incorporated into Chinese language curriculum as well as teaching and learning activities.
Hsiang-ning Wang, University of British Columbia
Wenhui Chen, Brown University

Room 2 Individual paper  Session: 14-2   Apr. 10 (Sun) 2:00pm–2:55pm

Zhiying Qian, FSU
Jui Ting Lee, Florida State University
Man He, Williams College
Sounds and Meaning: Tone introduction to Korean learners of Chinese
This research aims at exploring patterns of tone errors of Korean learners in comparison with tone errors of OSU students and suggesting effective tools for introducing tones to Korean students.
Seojin Yang, the Ohio State University

Room 3 Panel  Session: 14-3   Apr. 10 (Sun) 2:00pm–2:55pm

Teaching Authentic Doctor-Patient Consultations: Assessment of Pedagogical Effects
This panel presents an innovative curriculum of spoken communication for the course Chinese for Healthcare Professions and the effect of the designed instructional approach. The curriculum incorporates Conversation Analysis (CA) findings and authentic doctor-patient conversations, aiming to develop students' communication strategies in medical consultations. The CA-informed approach, using authentic conversations, can be applied to other fields of LSP and regular language courses.
Yeh Meng, Rice University
Liang Fu, Rice University
Wei-li Hsu, Rice University

Room 4 Panel  Session: 14-4   Apr. 10 (Sun) 2:00pm–2:55pm

Rethinking Placement Test: Coefficient, Achievement gap, AP, and More
This panel studies the validity of a Chinese placement test. Firstly, it examines the correlation among students’ scores on multiple-choice, translation, composition and their placement. Secondly, it demystifies the perceived learning gap between K-12 and college level CFL students as determined by placement testing. Finally, it exemplifies the reasons and consequences that Chinese AP is not accepted by this university. This panel suggests the common placement test practices should be reformed.
Ye Tian, University of Pennsylvania
Nianzu Xiong, University of Pennsylvania
Chih-jen Lee, University of Pennsylvania
Grace Wu, University of Pennsylvania

Room 5 Panel  Session: 14-5   Apr. 10 (Sun) 2:00pm–2:55pm

jinai sun, North Central College
ye li, Adlai E. Stevenson High School
Xuehua Xiang, University of Illinois at Chicago

Room 6 Technique demonstration  Session: 14-6   Apr. 10 (Sun) 2:00pm–2:55pm

從理解詮釋到交際表達– 試探TRTW教學技巧在中文課室中的運用
Hwai Lin, Castilleja School
Learning Chinese Vocabulary and Reading Through Storyboard That
The benefits of using it are to visualize and contextualize learning content, engage language learners, and assess learning outcomes. Language teachers can insert different videos, pictures, and characters to help students interpret Chinese vocabulary and reading in contexts, improving learners' interpretative communication skills. Students can also use it to practice vocabulary, create dialogues, write personal stories to produce the language and enhance their output competence.
Bo Liu, University of Oklahoma
Wendy Gai, Chinese Language School
Vocabulary Activity in High School Chinese Classes
In this demonstration, the presenters will share a vocabulary activity used in novice mid to high level Chinese classes in high school. An example vocabulary with different aspects of expansion will be presented.
Shujun Xiang, The Branson School
Wenjing Huang, Wildwood School

Room 7 Panel  Session: 14-7   Apr. 10 (Sun) 2:00pm–2:55pm

Yinqiu Ma, Princeton University
Jue Lu, Princeton University
Xinyue Huang, Princeton University

Room 8 Technique demonstration  Session: 14-8   Apr. 10 (Sun) 2:00pm–2:55pm

An Open-access Engaging Digital Curriculum for Intermediate Chinese Language and Culture
This proposal was awarded $ 48,355 by the National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH) through the Digital Humanities Advancement Grant (DHAG) program. The funding is used to support planning efforts to develop a curriculum for intermediate Chinese language and culture that incorporates digital learning tools. DHAG requires us to disseminate our ideas in the grant proposal and we are looking for future collaborators engaging in the project and in the Level II and Level III grant applications.
Xiaoling Shi, Allegheny College
Kaidi Chen, U of Connecticut
Chih-Jung Chen, Rochester Institute of Technology
Runqi Deng, U of Pittsburgh
Brian Kern, Allegheny College

3:00pm - 3:55pm    2022-04-10 Sunday

Room 1 SIG 1-hour Roundtable 2  Session: 15-1   Apr. 10 (Sun) 3:00pm–3:55pm

Teaching Advanced Chinese: New Challenges and Solutions
白建华, Kenyon College
储诚志, UC Davis
何文潮, University of Rhode Island
梁新欣, University of Virginia

Room 2 Individual paper  Session: 15-2   Apr. 10 (Sun) 3:00pm–3:55pm

Interviewer Mediation and Learner Reciprocity: A Dynamic Assessment Application in Chinese Oral Proficiency Interviews
By applying DA in the OPI framework, this study offers a new perspective in understanding and exercising high-stakes, standardizing testing. The affordances of identifying learner difficulties and tracing their development, provided by DA, should be viewed as valuable topics for future research in the domain of language teaching and learning.
Zhaoyu Wang, The Pennsylvania State University
Jie Zhang, The University of Oklahoma
What can we learn from the “Teahouse”? Exploring spoken grammar in a play text for teaching spoken Chinese in casual conversation
This is a case study, based on analysis of the text of the play, "Teahouse", by Lao She, to explore the possibility of teaching spoken Chinese grammar used in casual conversation with the aim being essentially phatic in an advanced Chinese classroom.
Jianfei Chen, George Mason University
Gift Giving Interactions and the Chinese Concept of Politeness
This project examines Mandarin gift giving interactions from a discursive perspective and explores the sociolinguistic motivations for such interactions, and discusses pedagogical implications. Based on the preliminary results of the roleplay data collected from native speakers, we develop an instructional module on gift giving interactions for L2 learners.
Yingling Bao, Indiana University Bloomington
Yunwen Su, Department of World Languages and Cultures, University of Utah

Room 3 Panel  Session: 15-3   Apr. 10 (Sun) 3:00pm–3:55pm

Hsin-hung Yeh, Santa Clara University
Chen Wang, BYU Chinese Flagship Program
Shasha Yang, BYU Chinese Flagship Program

Room 4 Panel  Session: 15-4   Apr. 10 (Sun) 3:00pm–3:55pm

活学巧用故事书创建多元、平等、包容的班级社群 Building DEI Community by Using Story-books
巧用故事书, 活学语言和文化, 融入多元、平等、包容的概念和元素, 可以有效地兼顾多元背景文化等不同身份认知的学生们的多元需求,促进情感社会的学习,增加学生的归属感、自信心和认同感,提高学生的学习主动性,建立一个多元、平等、包容的班级社群。
Chunmei Guan, Logansport High School
Xiaoqing Liu, Butler University
Weibing Ye, University of Notre Dame
Xia Zhang, Brendan High school
Zhouzhou He, Manor View Elementary School
Hangxin Yu, Barrington Middle School-Station
Ye Sun, Lafayette School Corporation
Jing Gao, Ankeny Centennial High School, IA

Room 5 Panel  Session: 15-5   Apr. 10 (Sun) 3:00pm–3:55pm

Examining Family Relationships, Identity Empowerment and Vulnerability Through the Lens of The Farewell in Non-Heritage and Heritage Classrooms
Using the same film, The Farewell, this panel will show how different perspectives, pedagogical applications and learning activity designs that Chinese language instructors employ at different-level classrooms and similarly facilitate students’ learning outcomes not only in language proficiency but also in critical thinking of important topics, such as family relationships, identity exploration and vulnerability and cultural contradictions, that they may need to deal with in their daily lives.
Xiaorong Wang, University of Chicago
Hsiang-ning Wang, University of British Columbia
Ying Gao, The University of Virginia

Room 6 Technique demonstration  Session: 15-6   Apr. 10 (Sun) 3:00pm–3:55pm

Interactive Learning: Incorporate MovieTalk With Nearpod
Incorporating MovieTalk with Nearpod allows teachers to ask questions and students to answer questions in verbal or written form to practice students’ four language skills. It also allows students to work individually or collaboratively, develop their interpretive, interpersonal, and presentational skills, and share their own work and see the work of others. In addition, teachers can use the Nearpod as a formative assessment tool to review students' responses and provide timely feedback.
Kexuan Wu, University of Oklahoma
Processing Instruction activities on the "change of state" use of "le"
By introducing four structured input activities and the rationale behind the design, this paper presents a pedagogical solution to the apprehension of a difficult grammar point in Chinese – the "change of state" use of "le", and activity design techniques informed by the theoretical framework and principles of Processing Instruction.
Qingyang Lin, The Ohio State University
Incorporating Virtual Reality into Immersive Language Learning
Technique demo: 该活动演示针对中高级水平学生,运用虚拟视频和Thinglink软件将真实语料展现给学生,达到更有效地统合听说读写的目的。
Hong Zhou, Defense Language Institute

Room 7 Panel  Session: 15-7   Apr. 10 (Sun) 3:00pm–3:55pm

如何运用网络科技工具开展课堂内外的活动与交流 Utilizing Online Tools to Facilitate CFL Classroom Interpersonal Activities
本小组将介绍同步或者异步都能使用的网络工具,讨论从网课过渡到实体课的过程中,如何以google jamboard,flipgrid和padlet等工具开展课堂内外的活动与交流,以提升学习者的沟通交际能力,并根据学生的反馈提出教学建议。
Shu-ting Hsu, Duke University
Yujia Ye, University of Chicago
Yi-Wen Liu, Ravenscroft School

Room 8 SIG 1-hour Roundtable 3  Session: 15-8   Apr. 10 (Sun) 3:00pm–3:55pm

L2 Chinese Pronunciation Teaching and Research
此次圆桌会议从以下方面探讨语音教学: 1. 语音训练材料的收集;2. 发音练习的反馈;3. 声调与语调的关系;4. 学生对发音策略的认知;5. 发音评估。
刘江, University of South Carolina
董治音, University of Delaware
李可宁, University of Michigan
李颖颉, University of Colorado - Boulder
陈凯迪, University of Connecticut

Room 9 Panel  Session: 15-9   Apr. 10 (Sun) 3:00pm–3:55pm

The Power of Words and Actions: A Call for DEIJ Curricular Practices in K-16 Chinese Programs
Words and actions we teach, model, and experience matter, because they have the power to influence students and teachers in and beyond the classroom. Presenters in this panel will share their curricular practices teaching Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Justice (DEIJ) topics in K-16 Chinese programs. They will elaborate on how some of the DEIJ topics are integrated into daily conversations and incorporated at all ages and language proficiency levels.
Matt Coss, Michigan State University
Luoyi Cai, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Bonnie Wang, Durham Academy

4:00pm - 4:55pm    2022-04-10 Sunday

Room 1 Individual paper  Session: 16-1   Apr. 10 (Sun) 4:00pm–4:55pm

Teacher questioning in the online synchronous one-on-one intermediate CFL class
This study aims to provide empirical evidence about teacher questioning in the online synchronous one-on-one CFL classroom and explores using teacher questioning to facilitate students’ responses and student-teacher interactions in the online synchronous one-on-one CFL class.
Jia Liu, The University of Hawaii at Manoa
How to improve advanced learners’ language proficiency through logical thinking
The study investigates if training of logical thinking helps improve language proficiency in advanced learners, and which aspect of such training is the most impactful. The analysis indicated that training of rebuttal and questioning skills helps learners examine abstract topics in-depth, which in turn improves their communication skills.
Yili Zhang, Duke Kunshan University

Room 2 Individual paper  Session: 16-2   Apr. 10 (Sun) 4:00pm–4:55pm

Let me tell you a “good” story– Using non-fiction storytelling podcasts to teach advanced CFL learners’ narrative strategies
This presentation discusses how to use non-fiction story-telling podcasts to teach students narrative devices and strategies to elaborate a detailed story while inserting substantial descriptive and evaluative structures at appropriate points to engage the audience. Students' narrative examples drawn from mock OPI interviews will also be analyzed during presentation.
Yang Wang, Brown University
Debate as a teaching strategy for advanced Chinese learning
This presentation will discuss how to use debate as a teaching strategy for Chinese advanced classes, as well as an innovative, student-centered technique, aimed at engaging the learner with interactive, collaborative, and effective tasks.
Shuang Wu, Lafayette College
Racial-Equity Informed Chinese Language Classroom
The objective of the presentation is to empower teachers to better articulate the causes and goals of racial-equity curriculum design. The presenter reminds teachers to distinguish differences between race and ethnicity, and to review whether there are any inadequacy of texts or movies used in existing classroom.
Mien-hwa Chiang, University of Pennsylvania

Room 3 Panel  Session: 16-3   Apr. 10 (Sun) 4:00pm–4:55pm

Examining Chinese L2 Reading: Word Segmentation, Relative Clause Comprehension, and Oral Passage Reading
This panel will present three empirical studies on Chinese L2 reading. Study one investigates word segmentation behaviors and their relationship to reading comprehension among advanced learners of Chinese; Study two explores the role of the first language in comprehending Chinese relative clauses by advanced learners; Study three examines the oral reading miscue patterns and inquiries into the causes of miscues in Chinese L2 reading among intermediate learners.
Sicheng Wang, University of Iowa
Helen Shen, University of Iowa
Dexin Dai, University of Iowa

Room 4 Panel  Session: 16-4   Apr. 10 (Sun) 4:00pm–4:55pm

Litong Chen, Wheaton College
Chunsheng Yang, University of Connecticut
Yunjuan He, University of north Georgia

Room 5 Panel  Session: 16-5   Apr. 10 (Sun) 4:00pm–4:55pm

Yongping Zhu, University of Notre Dame
Chih-p’ing Chou, Princeton University
Chaofen Sun, Stanford University
Lening Liu, Columbia University

Room 6 Panel  Session: 16-6   Apr. 10 (Sun) 4:00pm–4:55pm

Gang Liu, Carnegie Mellon University
Yan Liu, Duke University
Qian Liu, University of Michigan

Room 7 Panel  Session: 16-7   Apr. 10 (Sun) 4:00pm–4:55pm

Strategies to make elementary level Chinese language classrooms more effective
Elementary level classrooms have always been one of the most challenging yet crucial stages in the process of language learning. In our panel we would like to share our experiences in enhancing input, rhetorical questions and teaching expressions in learners’ native language. We have collected and analyzed examples in teaching, and will demonstrate strategies we developed for a more effective language learning environment.
Alice SY Kao, Mount Holyoke College
Wei Gong, Wesleyan University
Luanfeng Huang, Princeton University

Room 8 SIG 1-hour Roundtable 4  Session: 16-8   Apr. 10 (Sun) 4:00pm–4:55pm

Tiao-Guan Huang, DePaul University
Luoyi Cai, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Yingling Bao, Indiana University Bloomington
Chuan-Hui Weng, University of Tennessee
Su-I Chen, Clemson University

Room 9 SIG 1-hour Roundtable 5  Session: 16-9   Apr. 10 (Sun) 4:00pm–4:55pm

王祥寧, University of British Columbia
王春梦, Durham Academy
季晶晶, Northwestern University
許雅晴, Northwestern University
孟多思, University of Illinois at Chicago

7:00pm - 7:55pm    2022-04-10 Sunday

Room 1 Panel  Session: 17-1   Apr. 10 (Sun) 7:00pm–7:55pm

One Flexible Blended Curriculum Model for All?
Applying lessons learned from emergency remote teaching in the pandemic, this panel proposes an innovative open blended curriculum model that offers great affordance to enable teaching in various modalities. The first presentation provides an overview of the proposed open blended curriculum model, and introduces the concept affordance in blended curriculum design. The next two presentations offer two hands-on examples: face-to-face led form and online-led form. Triangulated data from course syllabi analysis, students’ feedback, and teachers’ reflections are analyzed and discussed.
Qiaona Yu, Wake Forest University
Yuyun Lei, Wake Forest University
Lu Lu, Virginia Military Institute

Room 2 Individual paper  Session: 17-2   Apr. 10 (Sun) 7:00pm–7:55pm

Supporting Chinese Dual Language/Immersion Teachers: Development of a Professional Learning Community
This presentation introduces the initiation and development of a professional learning community (PLC) among Kindergarten Chinese dual language/immersion teachers. Through the sharing of the teacher leader’s reflections and experiences, recommendations are highlighted for educators interested in enhancing collaboration and support through PLCs.
Hanxuan Zhang, Stough Elementary
Judy Ouyang, Participate Learning
Ye He, UNC of Greensboro
The Value of Service-Learning in Chinese Language Teacher Preparation
This qualitative study aims to unveil how a service-learning program can train pre-service Chinese language teachers in an online context, how they transfer their classroom learning to workforce applications, the role of reflection will play in the serving process, and find implications for future teacher training programs.
Qingyu Yang, University of Rhode Island

Room 3 Panel  Session: 17-3   Apr. 10 (Sun) 7:00pm–7:55pm

Transforming Hanzi Instruction in the Digital Age: Rationale, Necessity and Feasibility
By presenting its rationale, necessity and feasibility, the panel will elucidate why and how “E-writing (电写)” should be the primary path forward for Chinese as a Foreign Language (CFL) education in this digital age. The panel consists of three presentations: 1. Chinese Character Competence and L2 Hanzi Teaching & Learning in the Age of Digital Writing; 2. On “Teaching and Learning Hanzi” and “Teaching and Learning Handwriting”; 3. Phonological-Visual Chunking: Exploring CFL Beginners’ Hanzi Lear
Chengzhi Chu, UC Davis
Matthew Coss, George Washington University & Michigan State University
Phyllis Ni Zhang, The George Washington University

Room 4 Panel  Session: 17-4   Apr. 10 (Sun) 7:00pm–7:55pm

Revamping Program Learning Objectives (LO): A Reflection on Teaching and Learning of Chinese
The presentations in this panel describe the efforts to revamp learning objectives in the Chinese Language Program at a major Canadian University. We discuss this process as an opportunity to revisit classroom activities, the selection of texts, the choice of assignments and assessment tasks, and the design of rubrics for evaluation. Through these initiatives, we are able to better align program teaching with student needs and overall university educational outcomes and, as a result, increase program visibility and competitiveness.
Xiaowen Xu, University of British Columbia
Qian Wang, University of British Columbia
Zhaokun Xin, University of British Columbia

Room 5 Panel  Session: 17-5   Apr. 10 (Sun) 7:00pm–7:55pm

Developing Narrative Skills in Conversation at Intermediate and Advanced Levels
Advanced language skills are characterized by the ability to produce narration and deep description in paragraph-length discourse. This panel explores approaches to integrate storytelling into spoken and written interactions to meet the challenges at advanced level. Storytelling tasks proposed in all the three presentations depart from mainstream narration practices as storytelling is always contextualized in conversations, which is fundamentally different from the decontextualized interview-style narration. Audience will learn various techniques to help students develop storytelling as an effective communicative strategy. (80)
Zhini Zeng, University of Mississippi
Rongrong Hao, University of Mississippi
Shu-yu Yeh, University of Mississippi

7:00pm - 8:55pm    2022-04-10 Sunday

Room 6 Roundtable 3  Session: 19-6   Apr. 10 (Sun) 7:00pm–8:55pm

季晶晶: DEI与中文教学
王祥宁: 后疫情时代的华裔教学
蔡罗一: 科技教学
刘艳: 社区服务学习
Grace Wu: 心理健康与中文教学
刘刚: 创新中文课程开发
许怡: 汉字教学
刘艳 (召集人), Duke University
刘刚 (召集人), Carneige Mellon University
史中琦 (主持人), Columbia University
季晶晶, Northwestern University
王祥宁, University of British Columbia
蔡罗一, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Grace Wu, University of Pennsylvania
许怡, University of Pittsburgh

Room 7 Roundtable 4  Session: 19-7   Apr. 10 (Sun) 7:00pm–8:55pm

刁文豪, 主持人, University of Arizona
于月明, Carnegie Mellon University
白建华, Kenyon College
笪骏, Middle Tennessee State University
张艳丽, Shanghai International Studies University
魏瑞琴, The Chinese Language Teachers Association of Southern California

Room 8 Roundtable 5  Session: 19-8   Apr. 10 (Sun) 7:00pm–8:55pm

梁霞 (召集人), Washington University St. Louis
郦帅 (主持人), Georgia State University
李亚男, 汉考国际
何文潮, University of Rhode Island
王春梦, Durham Academy

8:00pm - 8:55pm    2022-04-10 Sunday

Room 1 Individual paper  Session: 18-1   Apr. 10 (Sun) 8:00pm–8:55pm

Improve Tutor Session Learning Experience: Designing and Implementing a One-on-One Online Chinese Tutoring Mode from the Perspective of ARCS Model
To increase students’ motivation in tutoring sessions, this study adopted Keller’s ARCS Model and designed a one-on-one Chinese tutoring mode for tutors to follow. Our mode was implemented in an online tutoring program at an American university with 43 tutors and was later modified and adapted to a face-to-face setting.
Siying Li, Indiana University Bloomington
Yina M Patterson, Brigham Young University
Xiang Lyu, Indiana University Bloomington
The Effect of Homophone Training on the Accuracy of Chinese Character Typing
Using a training paradigm, this study investigated the effectiveness of a new pedagogical method that was designed to raise students’ sensitivity to homophonic Chinese characters to improve their accuracy in Chinese character-typing. Results of this study highlight the importance of homophone discrimination in the teaching of Chinese characters.
Jui Ting Lee, Florida State University
Zhiying Qian, FSU
Prompting Beginning Students’ Use of Target Language in Life: Practices, Perceptions, and Effects
This article introduces innovative practices that prompt beginning students’ use of target language in life. Practices include two semester-long projects: “Blog Sharing” and “Instagram Posts”. The authors also report students’ and instructors’ perceptions on these practices, and reflects on how they affect students’ learning motivation and instructors’ class design.
Yuxiao Du, Harvard University
Ying-Chieh Wang, Harvard University

Room 2 Individual paper  Session: 18-2   Apr. 10 (Sun) 8:00pm–8:55pm

Penny Wang, CLTA Tech SIG
Non-Formal Chinese learning in higher education: Investigation of an AI-enabled language learning application
Students' using experiences of this AI learning application indicate particular features and characteristics useful and effective for their learning. The study also investigates the circumstances of using the application for university students as non-formal learning. The results provide pedagogical implications for instructors when an AI learning application is adopted in formal instruction.
Chin-Hung Chang, Northwestern University
将AR(Augmented Reality)应用于初级中文课堂的教学实践 Implementing Augmented Reality in Task Design for Chinese Learners
Ying Gao, The University of Virginia

Room 3 Panel  Session: 18-3   Apr. 10 (Sun) 8:00pm–8:55pm

多元、平等公平及共融面面观: 初级、中级和高级的教学设计
Ya-Ching Hsu, Northwestern University
Yanting Li, Northwestern University
Li-Jung Lee, University of British Columbia

Room 4 Panel  Session: 18-4   Apr. 10 (Sun) 8:00pm–8:55pm

Designing an IPA Framework in Teaching Monthly Culture Topics with Authentic Materials
This panel will show how to design different tasks for monthly culture topics across the three modes of communication. In addition, it will help teachers to delve into more authentic materials using varied teaching strategies and tech tools to meet the needs of all proficiency levels. The IPA framework in teaching monthly culture topics with authentic materials will leverage students' multiculturality.
Wenjing Huang, Wildwood School
Chunmei Guan, Logansport High School
Shujun Xiang, The Branson School
Li Xiang, Western Michigan University
Yu Lin, North Georgia University

Room 5 Panel  Session: 18-5   Apr. 10 (Sun) 8:00pm–8:55pm

Strategies for Improving Students’ Lexical Accuracy, Reading Comprehension, and Listening Skills in Beginning CFL Classrooms
This panel reports three empirical studies on the effect of explicit strategy teaching and their impact on learners’ reading and listening comprehension skills in beginning CFL classes: 1) pedagogical practice to improve learner’s vocabulary knowledge; 2) facilitation of word segmentation process in reading; 3) pedagogical practice on improving learners’ metacognitive awareness of how they process an aural text and the efficiency of the strategies that learners use.
Xiaomeng Zhang, University of Pennsylvania
Chih-jen Lee, University of Pennsylvania
Maiheng Dietrich, University of Pennsylvania